Po dni volna nás dnes čeká "snad" nejdelší etapa závodu, která měří 852 km, z toho speciálka 593 km. Ve 4:40 hod. ráno jezdci vyrazili na spojovačku dlouhou 176 km. Podle mapy povrch speciálky hlína kamení a makadam. Jede se na území Argentiny kde bude spousta lesních cest a zatáček. Jezdci se musí vyvarovat chyb protože na tuto trasu nemají doprovodná vozidla povolený vjezd.
Na start se postaví 140 motocyklů a 27 quadů. Start by měl začít v 7:40 hod a jestli jsem dobře přepočítal časové pásmo tak by to mělo být ve 12:40 ?? našeho času. No uvidíme, Argentina je o jedno časové pásmo blíž.
Ještě bych sem mohl dát průběžné pořadí. Předchozí etapa pěkně promíchala karty a proto
1: Casteu, 2. Faria, 3.Lopez, 4. Pain, 5. Desperes, 6. Jakeš (SVK) ... 9. Svitko (SVK) .... 44. Pabiška (CZE) ... 68. Pavey (AUS)
Co se týče Cyrilova prohození motoru, podle regule 7P1:
1) In all categories: the frame, the engine, and spare engines.
The machine and the rider are associated by a race number and will be identified by marks at scrutineering. These 3 elements are indissociable during the length of the race.
Are considered as part of the frame: all parts welded surrounding the engine and supporting the steering column and the mounting points for the rear suspension. The frame and the engine cases, already marked at scrutineering at the start, or all other parts, may at any moment have additional marks added.
2) All fraud noted, and notably the fact of presenting as intact, identification marks that have been retouched, will result in the Disqualification of the rider or team which aided or facilitated the infraction, and that without affecting further sanctions which may be demanded to the national federation of the rider or accomplice.
3) All changes of engine must be indicated to the Clerk of the Course or at the Technical Steward, at 09.00 pm the latest, on pain of a 15’ penalty.
Myslím si že mu to projde, i když podle pravidel by nemělo.
Pro dakar blog napsal: Petr "SWAT" Jakubka
Na start se postaví 140 motocyklů a 27 quadů. Start by měl začít v 7:40 hod a jestli jsem dobře přepočítal časové pásmo tak by to mělo být ve 12:40 ?? našeho času. No uvidíme, Argentina je o jedno časové pásmo blíž.
Ještě bych sem mohl dát průběžné pořadí. Předchozí etapa pěkně promíchala karty a proto
1: Casteu, 2. Faria, 3.Lopez, 4. Pain, 5. Desperes, 6. Jakeš (SVK) ... 9. Svitko (SVK) .... 44. Pabiška (CZE) ... 68. Pavey (AUS)
Co se týče Cyrilova prohození motoru, podle regule 7P1:
1) In all categories: the frame, the engine, and spare engines.
The machine and the rider are associated by a race number and will be identified by marks at scrutineering. These 3 elements are indissociable during the length of the race.
Are considered as part of the frame: all parts welded surrounding the engine and supporting the steering column and the mounting points for the rear suspension. The frame and the engine cases, already marked at scrutineering at the start, or all other parts, may at any moment have additional marks added.
2) All fraud noted, and notably the fact of presenting as intact, identification marks that have been retouched, will result in the Disqualification of the rider or team which aided or facilitated the infraction, and that without affecting further sanctions which may be demanded to the national federation of the rider or accomplice.
3) All changes of engine must be indicated to the Clerk of the Course or at the Technical Steward, at 09.00 pm the latest, on pain of a 15’ penalty.
Myslím si že mu to projde, i když podle pravidel by nemělo.
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